
Airbrush Class Tool List

  1. 2 buckets or containers to hold water
  2. sharp knife (exacto)
  3. scissors
  4. painters tape
  5. airbrush flow medium
  6. card stock paper for practicing on
  7. airbrush ready paints (Josh like to use “Woods and Water” by Badger airbrush co.)
  8. table easel-can be made by folding some card board and tapping it to the table
  9. airbrush
  10. airbrush hose (and connections)
  11. compresor
  12. paint brushes
  13. airbrush cleaner or windex
  14. extension cords
  15. table lamp
  16. paper towels
  17. airbrush stand\holder
  18. pallet paper (freezer paper from a grocery store)

If you plan to buy new equipment before the class make sure to call Josh as he has a discount code with Badger! Or you can attend the class without equipment and borrow it from Josh.  After the class you will have a better idea of what products you need to purchase. Make sure to let Josh know ahead of time if you need to borrow something.

If you have any questions please call Josh 224-629-0581 or e-mail