Josh Guge – Guge Institute and Art Studio from Adam Flikkema on Vimeo.

Welcome to the Guge Institute Website!

For as long as I can remember, I have had a passion to create.  I was mentored by my father who was a world champion sculptor.  Throughout my career, I have had the blessing of learning from so many inspirational teachers.  I realize this was a privilege and most students I have worked with did not have the same luxury. 

I have always felt led to share my gifts with those who are eager to learn.  With decades of art experience, I have created systems of teaching designed to help people succeed.  My students should have the same access to the tools and knowledge I took advantage of over the years.

The purpose of the Institute is to provide quality products and services that will help students of all ages and skill sets accomplish his or her artistic goals.  Whether you are an accomplished artist or just about to take your first class, you are welcome here. 

I am thankful for the countless students around the globe that have supported my families business.  I would not be able to follow my passions without all of your support.  I look forward to many more years of enjoying the creative process together and developing lifelong friendships.

Please let me know how I can better serve you in the future!

Josh Guge